Sunday 27 February 2011

The Myth of England

In the depth of English countryside,There`s something in the air,A Pride filled sense of History,Of battles uncompared,A love of life,A rural charm besets the land`s blue skies,And none can ever dampen,The flame that never dies.------------------------------------------------The myth of a people is more powerful,more needful and more effective than pure history or view of reality.The myth of folk contains truths that can never be dimmed or sullied by exposure.Mythic truths are eternal,are above being spoiled by less than perfect humans,and provide standards to continually inspire us.The myth of England and the English is powerful and it is more needful than ever to tap into this myth,to understand it,to immerse ourselves in its power and to allow the power and inspiration of the myth to prompt us to renewed strengths and acheivements as individuals and as a folk.The England I refer to is not the modern multicultural England that the media and politicians seek to strip her of her pride.The England I am talking about is the England of the Anglo-Saxon people.This is England eternal that lives so long as our people do.Our myth is a symbolic truth,a mark we aspire to reach.Mythic people and events can never be torn down by denigrators.What is mythic stands strong and stands proud.National myths are more important than the reality because they show the character of the people in the best light.Since the time of settlement,We English are an island race against all-comers.This is partly born out of our geographical location,an island just twenty-odd miles off the coast of the european mainland.The way in which we have been able to repulse invaders and would be invaders for centuries has helped vreate that awareness of " island-fortress-England .Out of this success against invaders grew a sense of superiority and even splendid isolation.This splendid isolation more of a state of mind than a policy,is partly the reason for the English discomfort with the European Union.We are at best when we rely upon ourselves,upon our own strengths,when we celebrate our uniqueness,not when we band with others,ignoring our own eccentric genius for the sake of conformity with other people,even though they are racial kin.It is often through examining a nation`s military history,that we can more fully understand the principles and the myth of that nation.Some of our greatest victories have often been acheived by standing firm against overwhelming odds.Sometimes even defeat was the result of this resolute firmness,yet whether victory prevailed or defeat was suffered,the defensive English bravery added to the national myth.One of the first examples of this is seen in the mythical telling of the Battle of Maldon,an event that celebrates a defeat by an invading power,yet characterises the English brilliance for resolute defence.The classic poem telling of the battle and the bravery of some of Byrhtnoth`s retainers in their determination to fight to the death to avenge their fallen lord stirs our spirit because we recognise that we share blood with those men.We too are capable of their heroism BECAUSE WE ARE THEIR KIN-FOLK.Once more into the breech...Shakespeare has his Henry V call to his men.This is the resolute heroism and the spirit of adventure that has been part of our people`s nature throughout the life of our nation.Most of us grew up with the concept of " British Justice " which meant being tried in front of one`s peers by " 12 good men and true ".Yet today in the words of the song " British Justice,there aint no f***in British Justice".This now a land where Peadophiles get let off with a slap on the wrist instead of swinging from the end of a rope.This is a land where PATRIOTS languish in jail but where drug-dealers and users,and vicious Asian gangs go unpunished.This is a land where the police are frightened to stop and search young blacks suspected of street crime for fear of being called racist.Another of our myths is the Play the Game...In this we see the pluck and and the game spirit of the English together with a tendency for " mucking in " and helping out.This was the nature of the young men who joined the pals battalions in WW1 and who were mowed down in their hundreds and their thousands on the battlefields of Flanders.We have the very myth of soldiers kicking footballs ahead of them as they ran,walked and stumbled through the hail of bullets towards the eney trenches.We see the myth again of playing the game and mucking in during the Blitz.A quintessential time for the English and a time that powerfully shaped the conscienceness of all those who lived through it.But the overwhelming myth that has been laid down in our folk unconscieness is of a people who acted with great pluck and courage,who faced adversity with grim humour,who helped each other out,who pulled together,and who kept their spirits high with typical optimism.This is the myth of England and we resonate today because we know it to be true of our nature.THIS IS THE ENGLAND THAT PULLS THROUGH WHEN WE FACE OUR DARKEST HOURS.In patriotism we see one of the highest forms of love.Our love for our Family,our love for our Nation,our love for our Country and our love for our Race.In this respect...OUR LOVE IS OUR LOYALTY.As one of England`s finest sons once sang...You stand out from the crowd,With the love for your nation undimmed,When it seems that your country is crumbling,But you wont stand and let the enemy win,Your duty is to stand firm and steadfast,To stand proud and stand free is a must,You are the lights in the darkness,You are the Diamond`s in the dust...( Ian Stuart Donaldson...1957-1993 )
__________________All I know is that to see,and not to speak would be the Great Betrayal.( Enoch Powell )British by Birth-English by the Grace of God.One Land,One Government,Many Races...that is the route of Annihilation.

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